Friday, March 20, 2020

Virus Protection and Essential Oils
At its Purest

There are some essential oils that you should have on hand at this time!  They can provide protection and healing from viruses. But you need MEDICINAL GRADE in order to heal!  I will list some of them for now, and soon will post some good details on them.

Purchase medical grade Essential Oils from this link for 
10% off your first order:

NO need to have a membership, be required to make monthly orders, pay commissions, pay for big expensive buildings or for trips for high-dollar sellers.  I have known all of the owners of the big essential oil companies over the years...most great people - - but some more motivated by big dollars than others.  The owner of Butterfly Express is LaRee Westover - and she has my vote as an extremely knowledgeable and full-of-integrity person!

Essential oils are a world-wide market.  If you are finding oils at a cheap price - - they are not medicinal grade and they will not do the job that you need them to do.  Essential oils have become big business and there are layers of ways that the healing chemical constituents can be weakened through distilling at a high heat, storing/shipping incorrectly, exposing to heat, and diluting (there are even more ways...ugh!).

RAVENSARA (kills viruses and uplifts emotions)
JUNIPER (kills viruses, respiratory)
EUCALYPTUS RADIATE (respiratory children and elderly)
EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS (respiratory lower lung conditions)
ROSEMARY OFFICINALIS (helps against viruses)
LEMON (from the rind of the lemon - hand sanitizer)
OREGANO WILD (kills bacteria and pathogens - hot!)
CINNAMON BARK (kills pathogens - hot!)
THYME (kills pathogens and fungus) - semi hot!)
and there is a blend named DELIVERANCE that contains most of the above essential oils.  Even LAVENDAR can contribute to wellness - - if you apply it every hour!  

People who do not experience healing and positive results using essential oils are either using sub-quality essential oils, or they do not apply/use the essential oils often enough and in the correct manner.

I do not sell essential oils, thus am not motivated by anything other than to give you knowledge and power to take care of your family.  In this time of social distancing you have a chance to learn many things as you research ways to care for yourself and your loved ones.

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