Friday, March 27, 2020


COVID-19 Virus Protection

With "Social Distancing", washing our hands,  caring for our bodies with good nutrition (taking Vitamin C, eating NO SUGAR, drinking a lot of water, getting plenty of good sleep, walking in the sunshine and fresh air) ... there are more things that should be understood: 

If ten people are in a room and a virus is introduced that makes people ill, not all people will be affected in the same way.  We don't CATCH a virus - - our bodies HOST a virus(es) - - when there is debris that the virus can feed upon.  The following quotes will help you understand why:

“The best insurance in the world against any flu epidemics, plagues, or killing diseases is to have your body in a good healthy condition
Disease germs are merely scavengers and can live only on toxins, mucous and residue from junk foods. They cannot and will not damage healthy cell structures. This is the key to health.  Keep your body clean by avoiding mucus-forming foods (sugar, milk, cheese, junk foods) so that bacteria and viruses will pass you by. They will want nothing to do with your body because it will be so clean and have no filth for them to live on."  David Christopher 

What he is saying, is that the viruses feed on people with debris in their bodies from poor nutrition.  

The first line of defense for your immune system is the thin layer of mucus that covers and protects all tissues that line the entrance orifices of your body. Macrophages and other white blood cells can enter this thin layer of mucus and devour invading viruses and present the invader’s genetic code to T-helper cells that activate T-Killer cells. 

This signaling is accomplished through the chemical messenger Interleukin-1. This immune activating signal also elevates the body temperature set-point, triggering a fever. This life-saving mechanism amplifies the immune response and impairs the invading viruses as the immune system kicks into high gear the mucus thickens with the debris of destroyed viruses and damaged white blood cells." 
Dr. John R. Christopher, founder of The School of Natural Healing:  

When infected, encourage expectoration. Boil a pan of water, remove it from the heat, spray into the boiled water essential oils of Ravensara, Eucaluptus globulus, Juniper, Lemon, Orange and Spearmint. 
Inhale the steam with the essential oils deep into the sinuses and lungs, which will stimulate coughing and blowing the waste out of the body.

Or make of blend of the above essential oils and diffuse them in a diffuser.  

James Duke, PhD. in his book Green Pharmacy said:
“ Antibiotics are generally useless against viruses; ...several herbs used in traditional herbal medicine have scientifically documented antiviral effects. They are what I use when I have colds, flu, and other viral infections.” 

Echinacea- “Echinacea fights viruses in two ways. It contains three compounds with specific antiviral activity- caffeic acid, chicoric acid and echinancin. Root extracts of echinacea have also been shown to act like interferon, the body’s own antiviral compound. In addition, echinacea is an immune stimulant that helps the body defend itself against viral infection more effectively.”

Astragalus- “In one small Chinese study, ten people whose heart muscles were infected by Coxsackie B virus, which causes the heart inflammation known as myocarditis, received injections of astragalus extract for three to four months. The activity of their natural killer cells, a component of the immune system, rose 11 to 45 percent. They also showed increased levels of alpha and gamma interferon, the body’s own antiviral compounds.” 

Garlic- “Several of the sulfur compounds in garlic are active against the flu virus”, according to Heinrich Koch, PhD., professor of pharmaceutical chemistry and biopharmaceutics and Larry Lawson, Ph.D., a research scientist. Jane Guiltinan, N.D., suggests up to 12 fresh cloves a day.

Duke’s other antiviral herbs:

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Dragons blood (Croton lechleri), 
Juniper (Juniperus species)
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), 
Shitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes)
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale). 

If a plague or some other epidemic hits before you are in a healthy condition, it is good to use Dr. Christopher's Anti-Plague formula as an aid for fast cleaning.  The problem is, you would want to already have it on hand.  Most people would hate the taste, as it is very GARLIC-based.  The adaptogen (strengthening) herbs in the formula are extremely good for the body and the "kill-out" herbs do their work.  

Anti Plague Herbal Formula   
Recipe to Sell (commercial size):                                       
5 lbs Garlic (whole cloves, peeled)                                     
1 gallon Apple Cider Vinegar (raw)                                       
6 cups honey (local, raw)                                                         
1 gallon Vegetable Glycerin                                                  
8 gallons Distilled Water                                                       
8 oz Comfrey (all herbs are leaf, not powdered)                     
8 oz Mullein, Leaf                                                             
4 oz Yarrow                                                                           
4 oz Marshmallow Root, cut                                                
4 oz Black Walnut, cut                                                           
4 oz Skull Cap, cut                                                              
4 oz Gravel root, cut                                                               
4 oz Lobelia, cut                                                                
4 oz Wormwood, cu                                                            
4 oz Elderberries                                                                   

Day 1:
Put 4 large handfuls of garlic into a blender and cover with 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar and chop to pea-size chunks (do NOT puree), repeating this process until all of garlic is macerated.  Place in glass jar for 4 days with a covering that allows air flow (such as a natural dyed cloth) and a rubber band.  Stir once a day using a wooden or stainless steel spoon.  Because of the strong odor, you will want to keep this mixture outside or in a storage room.  Keep out of the sun.  On the fourth day, strain and discard the dry pulp (it can be composted).  To this garlic mixture add 1 quart of Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Glycerin and stir.

Day 3:
You will need 7 gallon/quart glass jars to soak the herbs with 64 oz/16 oz distilled water overnight.  Process Comfrey, Mullein, Yarrow, Marshmallow root, Yarrow, Black Walnut and Elderberries separately – but process Skull Cap/Gravel Root together, and also Lobelia/Wormwood together.  Buy organic herbs (premium quality) at

Day 4:
Using stainless steel cookware, boil each soaked herb with water mixture separately on medium heat for 15 minutes, and then simmer for 15 minutes.  Strain each one and pour liquid into the garlic mixture.  Add another 64 oz/16 oz of water to the herbs (which were left in the pan after draining the liquid off) and repeat the boiling/simmering process one more time.  After processing the herbs the 2nd time, strain off the liquid into the garlic mixture and discard the herbs (can be composted).

This Anti-Plague Formula needs no refrigeration, however, it should be stored in a cool place, dark (amber) glass bottles.  Amber dropper bottles are easiest to use for personal use.

Suggested dosage:  1 Tablespoon+ for daily maintenance.  1 Tablespoon hourly when feeling poorly.  This formula is safe to double or triple dosage (no contraindications).  For children dose by Teaspoons. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

(in bloom right now - March 2020)

Essential Oil and Herb

There are more than 50 species in the Juniperus genus; all of them can be used similarly. Junipers are active against various viruses - -  such as SARS, Corona virus (and worth trying for the strain of COVID19* - although it's too early to have any studies on its effects) plus Herpes simplex 1.  It cannot hurt to add Juniper as a preventative (or even helper), due to it's historical uses and dense nutrient benefits.

Use the berries for urinary tract infections; the berries or needles for upper respiratory or GI tract infections; the heartwood, roots, bark, berries or needles for skin infections and infectious dysentery; the essential oil for airborne and upper respiratory infections* (a diffuser using pure juniper essential oil can be breathed-in to help kill-out respiratory infections).

Herbal alcohol extracts of juniper berries also show activity against 57 strains of  24 bacterium, among them Bacillus, Enterobacter and Staphylococcus

They also have been shown to inhibit 11 Candida species (fungus) and cancer cell lines .

Juniper is a powerful diuretic – a herb that increases the flow of urine, helping to cleanse the system of excess fluids and stimulating the kidneys. This causes the body to flush out uric acid and excess crystals that can cause many problems including gout, arthritis and kidney stones.
The Juniper Berry is rich in volatile oils, in particular terpinen-4-ol, which is reported to increase the rate of kidney filtration, which in turn increases urine flow whilst helping to flush out bacteria from the kidneys and bladder. This makes Juniper exceptionally useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections, with some patients reporting relief after just 24-72 hours of use. 
A study in rats with diabetes observed that supplementing with juniper berry extract significantly reduced blood sugar and increased heart-protective HDL (good) cholesterol.
Another study on the anti-diabetic effects of Chinese juniper berry extract found that it significantly reduced blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in rats with diabetes 
Parts used:  The berries and needles - - but the bark, wood and root all have healing properties with active chemical constituents.

Preparation and Dosage:  The chemical constituents in the junipers are readily soluble in alcohol but vary in water depending on what part of the plant you’re using. The berries must be eaten whole or tinctured in alcohol to be medicinally effective.  Alcohol extracts can be stored one-two years.

The needles will work to some extent in water (but are better in alcohol— as the monoterpenes aren’t very water soluble.  Numerous studies have shown that the bark also needs the addition of alcohol to totally release its healing constituents.

Essential oil: For sinus and upper respiratory infections put 8 to 10 drops in water in a 1-ounce nasal spray bottle and spray it near your nose and mouth, breathing in - four to six times a day; shaking well before each use.   Spray the air and countertops for cleansing. 

Use Juniper essential oil in a diffuser for helping prevent and cure upper respiratory infections (my favorite way to use!). A few drops can be mixed with water in a steamer for upper respiratory infections (but essential oils can react with some plastics and could cause a discoloration of the steamer).

Steam: Any part of the plant, but usually the needles or berries. Boil 4 ounces of needles in 1 gallon of water, and inhale the steam as it boils (put a towel over your head to hold the steam within the tent).  Or use in a sauna pouring the boiled water strained from the plant material directly onto the stones..

Tincture: Berries, 1:5 (1 part berries to 5 parts vodka - extract in dark space for 1 month - then strain for a 75 percent alcohol extract.  Use 5 to 20 drops, up to three times daily.  These store

Infusion: Chopped or powdered needles prepared as a standard infusion (tea), water covering berries, bring to boil then turn down low to steep with lid on.  Drink 4 to 6 ounces, three to six times daily.

Decoction (water boiled on low, covered with a lid, for a long period of time): A strong decoction of the herb has been traditionally used in many cultures to sterilize brewing equipment, cooking utensils, surgical instruments, hands, counters, etc. The decoction is also effective as a wound wash to either prevent or cure infection. Use 1 ounce herb per each quart of water, boil 30 minutes, then turn off the heat and let steep overnight.

Berries: In whole form, for gastric problems, eat 1 to 5 berries per day for two weeks.

Powder: Add any part of the plant to wound powders or use alone to prevent or cure infection in wounds.

For a 10% discount on your first order of essential oils through Butterfly Express (medicinal grade) go to:

Side Effects and Contraindications:  There has been a long-standing assertion in scores of herbals that the use of this plant may cause kidney irritation and that it is highly contraindicated in kidney disease. The phyto-medicalist, Kerry Bone, and others have proven the error of this belief (which began in the latter part of the 19th century from the administration of large doses of the essential oil to animals). Recent studies with rats have found that Juniper has a kidney-protective effect from the plant. This matches the results by the Eclectics (over a long period of time) who used the berries in the treatment of active kidney disease and inflammation.  Use of juniper berry essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy.

Caution should be exercised by diabetics in any long-term use of the plant, as it may alter insulin requirements. It should probably not be used long-term with pharmaceutical diuretics. However, almost no one uses the plant long-term for healing.

One side-effect recorded was a mild diarrhea when the essential oil (15 drops in one ounce of olive oil) was used to treat an ear infection. The mix was applied three times daily with a cotton swab. The diarrhea stopped with discontinuation of the herb.  This doesn’t really make sense - - but it’s in the research literature.

Juniper essential oil is not for internal use, other than breathing-in via a diffuser (aromatherapy) or as a steam inhalant. 

Virus Protection and Essential Oils
At its Purest

There are some essential oils that you should have on hand at this time!  They can provide protection and healing from viruses. But you need MEDICINAL GRADE in order to heal!  I will list some of them for now, and soon will post some good details on them.

Purchase medical grade Essential Oils from this link for 
10% off your first order:

NO need to have a membership, be required to make monthly orders, pay commissions, pay for big expensive buildings or for trips for high-dollar sellers.  I have known all of the owners of the big essential oil companies over the years...most great people - - but some more motivated by big dollars than others.  The owner of Butterfly Express is LaRee Westover - and she has my vote as an extremely knowledgeable and full-of-integrity person!

Essential oils are a world-wide market.  If you are finding oils at a cheap price - - they are not medicinal grade and they will not do the job that you need them to do.  Essential oils have become big business and there are layers of ways that the healing chemical constituents can be weakened through distilling at a high heat, storing/shipping incorrectly, exposing to heat, and diluting (there are even more ways...ugh!).

RAVENSARA (kills viruses and uplifts emotions)
JUNIPER (kills viruses, respiratory)
EUCALYPTUS RADIATE (respiratory children and elderly)
EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS (respiratory lower lung conditions)
ROSEMARY OFFICINALIS (helps against viruses)
LEMON (from the rind of the lemon - hand sanitizer)
OREGANO WILD (kills bacteria and pathogens - hot!)
CINNAMON BARK (kills pathogens - hot!)
THYME (kills pathogens and fungus) - semi hot!)
and there is a blend named DELIVERANCE that contains most of the above essential oils.  Even LAVENDAR can contribute to wellness - - if you apply it every hour!  

People who do not experience healing and positive results using essential oils are either using sub-quality essential oils, or they do not apply/use the essential oils often enough and in the correct manner.

I do not sell essential oils, thus am not motivated by anything other than to give you knowledge and power to take care of your family.  In this time of social distancing you have a chance to learn many things as you research ways to care for yourself and your loved ones.